Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pre-Israel Jewy Stuff for your Viewing Pleasure

A handful of intense and heartbreaking events have gone down recently that leave me counting my blessings, so what better time to visit the Holy Land for a little spiritual centering? The last time I was there was to screen Jericho’s Echo at DocAviv four years ago. Good thing I'm leaving on Friday for the ROI Summit in Tel Aviv!

I was so honored to be invited to this gathering of "young Jewish innovators" and though I don't know too much about what to expect, I am super excited to meet my fellow participants. They hail from all over the place (Mexico City, Chile, Switzerland, Hungary...) and do all sorts of interesting things (artists, social entrepreneurs, and um...a Zionist rapper?!) I hope that some really exciting creative collaborations emerge from this experience.

In honor of the trip, I wanted to share a couple of short projects that I did for the Jewish world from this past year. Coincidentally, both of these projects were thrown my way by former ROI participants. Maybe there is something to this "Jewish media conspiracy" after all. :)

First, a news package I shot and produced for JTA.org on some of the Jewy stuff that goes down at my new favorite NYC venue, the City Winery (Except that Blogger seems to be cutting off the right side of this, so to see the original CLICK HERE):

And also, an animation that I wrote and narrated for my awesome girl Sarah Lefton's project, G-dcast:
